Since the start of Media Lobotomy, mobile phones and tablets have been a technology that has been hard to find out what can do; if the tech not too old, it is possible to do a clean install and pass out, but the big question is that do you do with the rest of them.
“Buying a new smartphone consumes as much energy as using an existing phone for an entire decade.”
With this new, ever-evolving world of technology, the average person keeps a mobile phone for 34 months. This hunger for new phones and has aided Consumerism in the social and economic order, in turn, encourages the acquisition of goods and services in ever-increasing amounts, so the drive to always have the newest technology with the ever-growing operating system makes phones obsolete before their physical time of expiry.
The phone suppliers keep offering more and more features tempting the end-user to get a new phone before reaching its service life.
“1.5 billion Mobile phones manufactured in 2018.”
Over the past, I have used old phones in the artwork. One of the last ones was using the phones as wifi detector to paint wifi patterns allowing you to see the unseen.
Over the next few weeks, I will investigate recycling options and other options as I am doing with the laptops.