Media lobotomy first started from reading Sean Cubitt, Finite Media; this book leads me to question the following into days society.
The Environmental Implications of Digital Technologies.
How digital media effects environmental degradation.
Over-production and consumption of digital media affect us today.
How the above affected digital rubbish and electronic waste
In this book, Cubitt looks at how the resources of the earth are finite, and it’s not just the fact that we are running out of them but also the fact that for every digital resource made today, the required envy to matin them goes up.
From reading this book, I started to look at my use of technology and how I interact with it daily; I am a high user with a smartwatch and phone on me, and I think all people should think about it their relationship with technology.
Did you know that one search on google uses about as much energy as your body burns in 10 seconds, and around 10% of the worlds total electricity consumption is being used by the internet, according to a recent research report from Swedish KTH.